Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fruits of the Earth

Last time I wrote, spring was just appearing. Now summer is certainly here! There is just so much to love about summer. The world turns luscious green; people are out and having a great time; our neighborhood Farmers’ Market picks up again!

After a morning run today, Ryan joined me for my weekly visit to the Farmer’s Market. Throughout the winter, I still got to enjoy honey, baked goods, essential oil creations, and jams, and I have been blessed by friendship with these vendors. The hospital nearby welcomes them all indoors. Today was the first day that all the summer vendors joined the mix and they all stayed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Our market is very small, but it has a great variety of products. I’m especially glad that the “Rooftop Gardeners” have returned, with all of their organic and modestly priced herbs and lettuces.
Do you see the giant strawberry right in front? It was like three in one!
In addition to this lovely bunch of kale, lettuce, and strawberries, we also came home with some jalapeño jelly and my favorite bread in the world, “Farmer’s Wheat Bread” by Breadsmith.

My porch garden is starting to come up! Watching this grow has been so much fun. We have spinach, onions, three tomato plants, oregano, basil, and cilantro, all snuggled onto our little porches.
A few weeks ago, we got a new camera! I’ve wanted this camera for about three years now. I’m so thrilled we finally found one at a good price! We’ve had a lot of fun taking pictures and learning how to use this incredible machine. Here are some samples.
Husband out for a run
Rainy night 
Delicious dinner!
Admiring the view 

I hope all of our friends are having a great start to their summer!

With love and blessings,

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