Monday, May 14, 2012

A Day In the Park with Theseus

The weather has been so beautiful these past few days! Hubby and I took Theseus to the park to get some fresh air while I knit and he read.
There were puppies wrestling each other
Little boys kicking up dust
and baseball games

Theseus was not nearly as excited as we were – a scaredy-cat for sure. He stayed snuggled tightly in the corner of his carrier
 When we took him out, he stayed very close to me and seemed quite skeptical of his surroundings.
 He thought my bag might be a safer place to be, right on top of my knitting of course.
 When some puppies came over, he quickly squirmed his way under everything in my bag
 Perhaps Daddy could make him feel better
 Maybe not...
 What a goof!
 Back to the bag for safety
 We wanted to see what he would do if we set him down further away from us.
 That slinky little guy snaked his way right back to us
 and hid inside of my sweater
Oh our sweet, silly kitty

 Needless to say, he was happy to go back home in his little safe haven...
 Off we go!
When we got home, he jumped out of my bag with stinky little brown nuggets trailing behind him. Yup, he pooped. Oh well, it was a great excuse to scrub the floors and give Theseus a bath!
He loves the fresh air from our windows, but perhaps we'll have to give him a taste of the outdoors in smaller doses from now on. Such a silly Thesie. It's a good thing for all of us to get outside of our comfort zones now and then. Even kitties!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of him hiding in your knitting bag is TOO CUTE!
